Tuesday, March 30, 2010

RCIMUN ambassador speech

Honorable Chairs, Fellow Delegates
It is a great pleasure for Costa Rica to be present today.
As you may know, the government of Costa Rica has been an active participant in the United Nations for many years and has long emphasized the development of democracy and respect for human rights.
In 1987 the president of Costa Rica, Arias, was awarded the Nobel peace prize for his efforts on behalf of peace in the Latin American region, and there has been peace in Costa Rica ever since. Costa Rica has been fortunate enough to have 115 years of uninterrupted democracy, a notable accomplishment.
In 1948 Costa Rica became the first country in the modern world to constitutionally abolish all military forces and thus has been free of a standing army for sixty-one years. This act set Costa Rica apart from countries under malicious dictatorship, as were most in Central America during this time.
As We know, the UN has unquestionably proven its value over the years in allowing nation states to come together on an equal basis to discuss issues of war and peace. And so today, as you undertake your more important consultations this week, bear in mind that seemingly intractable situations that seem to withstand unanimous solidarity, may be resolved by inviting regional associations and authorities to actively participate in such discussions.
Thank you for your kind attention, and good luck with your deliberations this week.


  1. gonna give a speech tmr!

    1. how did it go? i am also an ambassador and going to be there at 6-8th march and really excited:(
